One of the major problems of robotics and especially legged machines is the need for high force/torque to weight and high power to weight ratios of the actuators
combined with relative low actuation rate. Aiming to develop such lightweight actuators, the multibody mechanics group started studying pneumatic artificial muscles
in 1995.
Pneumatic artificial muscles are contractile devices operated by pressurized air. When inflated, they bulge, shorten and thereby generate a contraction force.
The force depends on the applied pressure and on the muscles length, ranging from an extremely high value at maximum length, i.e. zero contraction, to zero at
minimum length or maximum contraction. Because of the one-way force a paired or antagonistic set-up is needed in order to generate a restoring force or movement.
The PAM developed by the group is characterized by its pleated shape, allowing bulging to happen free of material deformation and friction. Its non-linear
force-length relation is directly proportional to the applied pressure. Energy losses are reduced to a strict minimum.
PPAM 1.0
The membrane of the first generation is a fabric made of an aromatic polyamide
such as Kevlar to which a thin liner is attached in order to make the membrane
airtight. The high-tensile longitudinal fibres of the
membrane transfer tension, while the folded structure allows the muscle to
expand radially while unfurling upon inflation. Due to its specific design, the PPAM
can easily work from pressures as low as 20 mbar to 4 bar gauge pressure and it
can reach contractions over 40%, depending on its original dimensions (theoretically
54% for an infinitely thin muscle). The muscle prototype built by Daerden
has a weight of about 100 g while it can generate forces up to 5 kN.
PPAM 2.0
The second generation of PPAM was introduced as a solution to the leakages which caused an insufficient
lifespan, the membrane composition was changed. Instead of the Kevlar fabric, another more flexible material is used to create the folded membrane while
the generated tension is transferred by individual high-tensile stiffness fibres that are
only positioned at the bottom of each crease. Lifespan tests were performed, at which muscles moves up and down a load
of 130 kg by a slow varying gauge pressure between 1 and 3 bar. The lifespan of
the second generation of PPAM was proved to be longer than that of the previous design. About 400,000 cycles were reached before one of the tests was
Key publication
Second Generation Pleated Pneumatic Artificial Muscle and Its Robotic Applications
Reference: Advanced Robotics, Volume 20 No. 7, 2006, pp. 783-805
abstract and link publisher
pdf full paper
Pleated Pneumatic Artificial Muscle 2.0 (PPAM).
PPAM 3.0
The third generation of PPAM, which is presented in this paper, has been developed to simplify the manufacturing process and to avoid muscle failure. The
new step was partially promoted by the accessibility of Fused Deposition Modeling
(FDM) rapid prototyping technology, which is used to make more complex,
cheaper, and more lightweight end closures. The new production
process and the use of new materials introduce improvements such as 55% reduction in the
actuator's weight, a higher reliability, a 75% reduction in the production time and PPAMs can now be
produced in all sizes from 4 to 50 cm. In the following publication, a comparison with experiments between PPAM and Festo 20
McKibben muscles is discussed.
Key publication
Third Generation Pleated Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Robotic Applications: Development and Comparison with McKibben Muscle
Reference: Advanced Robotics, issue 11-12, vol.26, pp.1205 - 1227, 2012
abstract and link publisher
pdf full paper
Pleated Pneumatic Artificial Muscle 3.0 (PPAM).