How to make your own songs?

Our robot can play anything you want it to play, so it would be silly to not give you the opportunity to make your own songs. How to do that you ask? Well, it's rather simple. We didn't make a visual basic program where you can enter the song, but you can make your own ".song" file easily in notepad.
In the download section, you'll find a file called  Empty ".song"-file, with this file you have a wizard to use to make your own song.
We'll give some help with what you find in the file

Title: <Write the title of the song here>

Don't think you'll need much info on this..., remove the "<>" and type the title of the song.

Fret String Time Lyric
<number of fret to be played> <number of the string to be struck> <time between two notes> <lyrics to be played>;

Now this is the real thing. You remove the entire line" <number of fret to be played> <number of the string to be struck> <time between two notes> <lyrics to be played>;" and in stead of that you type the numbers you want and the lyrics. For example:

1    5    500    In;

Between each number you have to place a "tab". The fret can go from 1 to 11 and you have 6 strings to strike.
That are the first two numbers.
The third number (500) is the time between two notes entered in milliseconds.  It's advised to put at least 100 there. Otherwise the program might get into trouble.
The last thing you can enter are the lyrics. Here you can type the text you have to sing with every note. You have to put at least something here, even if it's only a space.
The line is always closed with a ";". You have to put this, or the program won't know that it has to go to the next line.

Now you know everything you need to know on how to make your own song. We'd say you give it a shot and be amazed on how the guitar does what you want.


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