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On this page you'll find everything you would like to know about the programs we've written for this project.
The software consists of two big parts. One being the assembler code that is loaded into the PIC microcontroller. Before you can do anything, you have to make sure that the program is loaded in the PIC of course. You can do this by using special programmer boards, the print board is built with an in circuit programming circuit (ICSP connection). This means you don't have to take the PIC out of the board to program it, but you can just program it when it's mounted by connecting a second board. For more info on the electronic design you should go here.
The other part of the software is the Visual Basic program that is the interface between the PC and the PIC.  Here you can choose which songs to play or if you want play the guitar by manually sending note per note to the PIC. It also contains an interface to make the motor make some steps. This is all explained better in "How it works", where you can read how the system works.

If you want to look at the code itself, you can go to the download section, in there you'll find all the code you want. The visual basic zip-file containing the code and an exe. And an assembler zip-file. Containing the ".asm" file with the code and a ".hex" file which you can load into the PIC.

If you want to understand the code perfectly, we suggest you first read this page to get a big idea of how it works, and then go over the program code itself and read the comments in there.


Assembler Code

The job the PIC has to do is divided in 3 things. There has to be a way to receive the data sent by the serial connection. Of course this has to work in the other direction as well, so it has to be able to send data through the serial connection so the PC knows what happens. And last but not least, it has to be able to control the motors. This is done by sending pulses to the appropriate control chips. Every pulse is equal to 1 step.

The PC sends 8 bytes to the PIC. The eighth one is a 0-byte so that the PIC can see when all 8 bytes have been received.

The assembler code uses interrupts to receive and transmit data. When the PIC generates an interrupt it stops its main program and will first execute the interrupt function. In this function it first stores away all variables that define the current status of the PIC, like the work-register and the status-register, in temporary variables. These variables will be put back in their respective registers when the interrupt ends. That way the main program can take off again where it was interrupted.
When the PIC generates an interrupt, it looks at which type of interrupt occurred. We handle four types of interrupts. One of those is the transmit interrupt, but when that happens the interrupt is ended right away.

Another is the receive interrupt. When this happens the program will go to the GetData-function where the data is read. The pic reads one byte at a time.  In total it has to receive 8 bytes every time the PC sends data. This means it has to go 8 times into the GetData function. Here the PIC will shift the data always to the next DATAIN register until it receives a 0-byte (00000000) from the PC. This means that the PC has sent 8 bytes and the PIC will go on with the processing of the sent data. Every time the received byte isn't "00000000", the PIC will end the interrupt and restore the PIC-status. Immediately after that, it will generate another receive interrupt.
The processing of the data means that the PIC will put the received data in the appropriate registers so that they can be used in the main program.
Here the control chips will also be enabled/disabled or be reset when this has been sent.
The final thing the procedure does is initialize the values for the motor that has to work. So that when the PIC goes back to the mainloop, it'll be able to power the right motors and with the right number of steps. The MOTORX_INIT-procedures make that the current through the motors go up and it determines the direction it has to turn. It also determines the number of steps the motor has to make.

There are also two other interrupts that are being handled. They are the core of the program, namely TIMER1 and TIMER2. These timers function as the delays in the program. TIMER2 is an 8-bit timer and is used for small delays, in this case the length of the pulse we send to the motor.  Every time the control chip gets a pulse from the PIC it will make the motor take 1 step. The length of this pulse can be made very small.
The TIMER1 is a 16-bit timer and can thus be used for longer delays. In this case it's the time between two pulses. As explained in the motor part on the hardware page, we make this time go down when the number of steps the motor has made goes up. A stepper motor can't start at a high turning-frequency, it needs a certain acceleration. We use a linear acceleration to a maximum value. This maximum value is determined by the maximum speed a motor can handle before it starts to skip steps. In our case, the limit is the maximum speed of the motor that moves the roll. At least, it's the limiting speed for motor 1 and 2, respectively the motors for the moving of the plectrum and the moving of the roll. These two motors can run at the same time with the same speed and acceleration because the code for the two motors is intertwined. We choose to make only these 2 motors run at the same time because it would be useless to make the motor that move the weight up and down and the motor that rotates the plectrum move at the same time with another motor. That will never happen cause of the construction.
Thus, those two motors will always run alone. That makes the code a lot easier.
The code for motor 1 and 2 is adapted to the two motors so that they can both run at the same time, no matter what. It doesn't matter which motor starts first, or how many steps they have to make. It always works, which speeds up the playing enormously of course.
The program sends as many pulses as there are steps to make, which is quite logically. When the counter for the steps reaches 0, the current through the motor is made low again and a byte is transmitted to the PC saying that the motor # has made the needed number of steps.
The main program also checks which of the three switches is pressed. Depending on the INITIALISE byte sent by the PC, it'll send back info when a switch is pressed. Depending on the transmitted byte, the PC will know what just happened. For example which motor is pressed, or which motor made the required number of steps.


Visual Basic

Next to the assembler code there is also the Visual Basic program. The function of this program is to create an interface between the PC and the PIC. With the interface we can send all the info to the PIC and receive info back in the shape of bytes.
The visual basic program has three big modes. Namely,

  1. Automatic mode, to play songs automatically. The info for the songs are stored in a ".song" file. You initialize the system, you load a song and press play. All the rest goes automatically.

  2. Manual mode, to send the notes one at a time. This way you can play your own song, but you have to send note per note manually.

  3. Motor testing mode, this mode is to test the function of the motors. You can define the number of steps each motor has to make here. This is just for testing purposes or for the user to see how the motors work.

The functioning of these three modes are thoroughly explained in the "how it works" page.

The PC sends 8 bytes always as explained in the part of the assembler code. The most special one still is the initialise byte. The system initialises in a few steps as explained in "how it works". All the motors go to a starting position from where we know the number of steps to make to get anywhere on the guitar. The motors keep moving until they hit a switch and then the next motor starts working, and so on.
When a song is played, we deactivate the switches. Then we just check when a motor is finished (when a motor has made all the needed steps, the PIC sends a byte back to the PC, the byte is different of course for every motor). When a motor finishes, the next motor starts. This asks for a lot of boolean values of course.

We also use a lot of timers in the program. The explanation of each timer can be found in comments in the Visual Basic code. We still use timers to make the data transfer between PIC and PC a bit less. That makes the system quicker. And since some actions always take the same amount of time (striking the string, moving the weight up or down,...) we can also use a timer for those events.
