The R&MM research group has many years of experience with the development,
design and control of Variable Impedance Actuators or VIAs. The following
compliant actuators are developed in-house:
PPAM: Pleated pneumatic artificial muscles
Pleated Pneumatic Artificial Muscles
, or in short PPAMs, were developed at
our department in an effort to design an actuator for a
bipedal walking robot that dealt with the drawbacks of
existing muscle models. This led to a superior design having
a maximal contraction range, no stick-slip or friction and an
enormous force output.
MACCEPA actuator
(The Mechanically Adjustable Compliance and
Controllable Equilibrium Position Actuator) is a straightforward and easy to
construct rotational electrical actuator, of which the compliance can be controlled
separately from the equilibrium position. Each of these parameters is set by
a position controlled servo motor. Moreover, the torque is a linear function
of the compliance and of the angle between equilibrium position and actual
The MACCEPA 2.0 is the follow-up version where the torque-angle curve and
consequently the stiffness-angle curve can be modified by choosing an
appropriate shape of a profile disk, which replaces the lever arm of the
original design.
SPEA: Series-Parallel Elastic Actuator
It is only recently that our research group started the research on a
novel compliant actuation concept:
Series-Parallel Elastic Actuation
. This
actuator enables to lower the required motor torque as a function of the number
of parallel springs in the actuator and to increase the energy efficiency.