Problems you may encounter when building your own Vertigo:
- Make sure the friction coefficient on your caterpillar links is high enough on both sides. The inside needs to transfer
the torque of the engines on the wheels. The outside has to prevent your robot from sliding down the metal wall.
- Make a model of your base first and fit everything on there. Make sure your base is not too small.
- Make sure your engines are strong enough, but even though, leave extra room for larger ones.
- When using traxmaker, draw lines that are wide enough. This makes brazing afterwards a whole lot easier.
What else we learned doing this project:
- Composite materials are delicate. Fabricating demands specialised material and specific techniques to be able to deliver parts of
a certain quality and precision.
- Through the contact we had with the technicians, we learned a lot concerning technical drawings. We learned what rules to apply
to make sure our drawings are easy to interpret and how to minimize the work for the technicians.
- How to design a printed circuit board, make the layout with Traxmaker and braze the components onto the board.
- How to handle a Programmable Interface Controller and program it in assembler code.