The Stepper and LiquidCrystal libraries of the Arduino software were used in the code. If no cigarette is inserted, only a cigarette counter is shown and some motivational text to encourage people to stop smoking. When a cigarette is inserted, the display changes to allow the user to select the appropriate time to shoot. After shooting by pressing the button, a message is shown depending on whether the ball entered the basket or not. The following code was uploaded to the Arduino:
/* BRUFACE MECHATRONICS 2015 Cigarette Ashtray Game Dino, Elie, Marta, Miguel, Pascal */ #include <LiquidCrystal.h> #include <Stepper.h> #define STEPPER_IN_1 2 #define STEPPER_IN_2 3 #define STEPPER_IN_3 4 #define STEPPER_IN_4 5 #define BUTTON_PIN 7 #define CIGARETTE_SENSOR_PIN A0 #define BASKET_SENSOR_PIN A1 #define IR_SENSOR_PIN A2 Stepper stepper(200, STEPPER_IN_1, STEPPER_IN_2, STEPPER_IN_3, STEPPER_IN_4); LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 13, 11, 10, 9, 8); /* ***************************************************************************** ******the following are special characters to be displayed on the LCD******** ***************************************************************************** */ byte smiley[8] = { B00000, B10001, B00000, B00000, B10001, B01110, B00000, B00000 }; byte sad[8] = { B00000, B10001, B00000, B00000, B01110, B10001, B00000, B00000 }; byte cross[8] = { B00000, B00000, B11011, B01110, B00100, B01110, B11011, B00000 }; byte tick[8] = { B00000, B00000, B00001, B00011, B10110, B11100, B01000, B00000 }; byte man_straight[8] = { B00100, B01010, B00100, B11111, B00100, B00100, B01010, B10001 }; byte man_down [8] = { B00100, B01010, B00100, B00100, B01110, B10101, B01010, B10001 }; byte man_up_r [8] = { B00100, B01010, B00101, B00110, B01100, B10100, B01010, B10001 }; byte man_up_l [8] = { B00100, B01010, B10100, B01100, B00110, B00101, B01010, B10001 }; // Text to be displayed on the LCD when no cigarette is inserted String text[5] = { "insert cigarette" "smoking kills", "smoking is bad", "quit smoking", "you can do it" }; bool ins_cig = LOW; bool cur_cig = LOW; bool last_cig = LOW; bool shot_ok = LOW; bool shot_nok = LOW; bool forward = HIGH; bool enable_button = LOW; bool current_state = HIGH; bool last_state = HIGH; byte counter = -1; byte Speed = 0; byte steps = 0; byte t_delay = 50; byte ran = 4; byte i = 0; int cigarette_counter = 0; unsigned long current_millis = 0; unsigned long previous_millis = 0; unsigned long current_millis_motor = 0; unsigned long previous_millis_motor = 0; unsigned long current_millis_text = 0; unsigned long previous_millis_text = 0; void setup() { //Create the LCD characters declared above lcd.createChar(0, smiley); lcd.createChar(1, sad); lcd.createChar(2, tick); lcd.createChar(3, cross); lcd.createChar(4, man_straight); lcd.createChar(5, man_down); lcd.createChar(6, man_up_r); lcd.createChar(7, man_up_l); stepper.setSpeed(50); lcd.begin(16, 2); // use the internal pullup resistor in the Arduino pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); } // function to debounce the button boolean debounce(boolean last, int pin) { boolean current = digitalRead(pin); if (last != current) { delay(10); current = digitalRead(pin); } return current; } void loop() { // this is used to count each cigarette only once, // even if it stays a long time on front of the sensor if (analogRead(CIGARETTE_SENSOR_PIN) < 650) { cur_cig = HIGH; } else { cur_cig = LOW; } // if a cigarette is inserted, enable the button and begin the game if ((cur_cig) && (!last_cig)) { lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Hit the "); lcd.write(byte(2)); lcd.print(" "); lcd.write(byte(0)); lcd.write(byte(0)); lcd.write(byte(0)); cigarette_counter++; enable_button = HIGH; forward = HIGH; counter = -1; ins_cig = HIGH; } last_cig = cur_cig; current_millis_text = millis(); if ((current_millis_text - previous_millis_text) > 1500) { if (!ins_cig) { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("cigarettes: "); lcd.setCursor(12, 0); lcd.print(cigarette_counter); ins_cig = HIGH; } if (!enable_button) { previous_millis_text = current_millis_text; lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(text[i]); i++; if (i > 4) { i = 0; } } } // Dancing man on the right cornet of the screen if ((current_millis - previous_millis) > 200) { lcd.setCursor(15, 0); ran = random(4, 7); lcd.write(byte(ran)); previous_millis = current_millis; } current_millis = millis(); if ((current_millis - previous_millis >= t_delay) && (enable_button)) { previous_millis = current_millis; if (forward) { counter++; lcd.setCursor(counter, 1); if ((counter == 8) || (counter == 9) || (counter == 7)) { lcd.write(byte(2)); } else { lcd.write(byte(3)); } if (counter >= 15) { counter = 16; forward = LOW; } } else { counter--; lcd.setCursor(counter, 1); lcd.print(" "); if (counter <= 0) { counter = -1; forward = HIGH; } } } current_state = debounce(last_state, BUTTON_PIN); if ((!current_state) & (last_state)) { if (enable_button) { if ((counter == 8) || (counter == 7) || (counter == 9)) { // accelerate the stepper instead of directly moving at max speed // otherwise the motor will not have engough torque to start the movement while (Speed <= 150) { Speed += 15; stepper.setSpeed(Speed); stepper.step(2); steps += 2; } counter = -1; Speed = 0; previous_millis_motor = millis(); enable_button = LOW; shot_ok = HIGH; } else { // accelerate the stepper instead of directly moving at max speed // otherwise the motor will not have engough torque to start the movement while (Speed <= 130) { Speed += 15; stepper.setSpeed(Speed); stepper.step(3); steps += 3; } counter = -1; Speed = 0; enable_button = LOW; shot_nok = HIGH; previous_millis_motor = millis(); } } else { lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("insert cigarette"); previous_millis_text = millis(); } } last_state = current_state; if (shot_nok) { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("try next time!"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.write(byte(4)); lcd.write(byte(5)); lcd.write(byte(7)); enable_button = LOW; shot_nok = LOW; ins_cig = LOW; i = 0; previous_millis_text = millis(); } if (shot_ok) { if (analogRead(BASKET_SENSOR_PIN) < 1010) { lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("you scored! "); lcd.write(byte(0)); score++; shot_ok = LOW; ins_cig = LOW; i = 0; previous_millis_text = millis(); } } current_millis_motor = millis(); if ((current_millis_motor - previous_millis_motor) >= 400) { stepper.setSpeed(40); stepper.step(-steps); steps = 0; } }